True Folkloristic Revival about all ghastly spirits that once wandered the rural and forest areas of our moory past. Erscheinung was started in the Fall of 2021 by Kobold to create Black Metal and Ritual/Ambient that is missing in the modern age. In these soundscapes, the voices of the natural world of ancient folklore are speaking themselves. These forgotten whispers are the only remaing witnesses of the Old World.

After a transition period of re-discovering this realm of rural spirits, Kobold has detached himself completely from all man-made principles (e.g., present-day provincial borders). Therefore, all releases containing links to the tangible world are marked as the First Epoch.

…The woods are haunted, swamps are a portal…

Spokerij II 

KATUIL 005 (regular) 
MC, 100 copies 

KATUIL 006 (special) 
MC, 25 copies 
(with extra inlay and bonus track)
Katuilen / Sintel
(Erscheinung / Fír split)

KATUIL 004 (co-release with Zwartkunst Smederij)

7", 150 copies 
Zuraunen - Part I


MC with A5 booklet, 25 copies

New Era Productions 

MC, 100 copies

And, older releases (2021/2022): 

* Gelderse Nachtsagen (12" / CD), New Era Productions
* Spokerij I (10" / MC), New Era Productions
* Introductie in de Laaglandse Mysteriën (MC), New Era Productions 
* De Eerste Gestalte (CDr), KATUIL 001
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